Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Photos continued. Taking damn long to put up stuff from the trip. Its already old news, almost 3 weeks ago lioa. Oh well. I'm doing this at work, so probably not gonna type much captions.

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Chef Ken!

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the food...

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the view...

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and the house

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theres a swing chair thingo too ^_^ I think we forgot to take it down after we left. It was kept inside the house, there was a hammock too! Pretty cool.

Had a nice, big meal. Food was the bbq regulars: chicken wings, steaks, prawns, sausages, 'leng lui's (some kind of taiwan sausage thing one of the girls makes), salad and can't remember what else.

after dinner, there was a present exchange thing. forgot to take pictures then. Basically each of us had to buy a $10-15 gift and exchange. We took turns choosing the presents (assigned by a deck of cards. You open up the present, and if you don't like it, you can exchange with the people that got pressies before you. Girls could exchange with guys, and vice versa. Can't remember the conditions lioa. I got a winnie the pooh towel at first, and went back with a set of photo frames at the end of it. Sweefong got a winnie pooh sock filled with chocolates, and Thos got a floating bed (for the pool).

we played musical chairs after that. quite nonsense. but fun. heheh. like small kids only.

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DJ Ken

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Losers sit aside. I was taking most of the picture of I lost by the 3rd round

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Winner! The last 2 remaining was a couple...so quite cheating :p

The winner got to decide who the group gets to interrogate. Sorta like truth or dare, but without the dare ^_^ Been ages since i've played that.

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The victims. Ronald and Bennie (?). No idea how to spell her name. Heheh. Usually refer to her as 'sister' in cantonese, since thats what the group calls her.

After the q & a, we had a session of spin the frying pan and fortune telling. Ronald knows a bit of chinese fortune telling, so that was quite interesting. Thats it for the day I suppose. Better get back to work liao. Lunchtime over and I've got plenty of crap to do.

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