season's greetingsMerry christmas and a have a happy new 2007 to all.
2007...the year has really sped by this time. especially since I spent half of it technically unemployed. 2006 can be split into 3 parts for me. In the first portion, I was still working at the crane company. That was actually pretty good. I had a car, and was paid pretty well. I was also involved in implementing an accounting system for them. So career-wise, it was actually a decent time.
Then I finished up the work as well as the contract, so its been a jobless black hole after that. I really don't remember much about my job hunt period, except that it was pretty annoying. Only good part is that I got a lot of reading done, mostly in investment material. Oh, I'm also happy to say that I reached my investment targets for the year. Exceeded them rather, but its been boom times for the market, so its nothing to shout about.
After 6 months of job-hunting, I finally scored a consultancy role. Must say thats the highlight of the year. I'm not being paid a whole lot now, but I'm definitely learning a lot of new stuff. The project at my current client is being handed over to me now, so its sink or swim. The company seems to be doing fairly well too, taking in moer graduates and training them up. Theres even plans to expand overseas, which I would definitely take a shot at. So all in all, I'm ending the year in a good note career-wise.
getting hungry be continued