Saturday, April 29, 2006

omg... my blog is being spammed

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

i would like to go to sleep, but i'm too effing full o_O OD'ed myself on a roast chicken for dinner. Curse woolies and their $4.98 roast chicken! Should have stopped myself from finishing it when I was full... but I just felt like I had to keep going. Must not let myself be defeated by a mere cooked fowl. Although at this stage, I think I've lost the battle. Feeling both uncomfortable and guilty too... aihs

back to south beach from tomorrow onwards! have to restock groceries with the proper foods now. hmmmm. but i just bough meat pies and crap earlier! how how how. aihs. our freezer really crammed full of junk. especially with fatty still crashing at our place. its always stocked with pies, frozen fish and ice cream. what a wonderful diet we have o_O

diet aside, i'll be unemployed in 2 days!!! woohoo! its kinda exciting and yet stressful at the same time. don't know whats going to happen, or where i'll end up. it does put my property plans in the backburner, since i'm won't get a loan since i'm unemployed now (incidently, i just get preapproved for a $240,000 loan). but i'm gonna move into sharemarket investments for the time being. learning the basics at the moment. has great resources for those interested. i'm pretty sure the material they have is applicable in any market.

time to try to sleep. need to wake up early tomorrow. bringing the car for its service. about damn time too. the car couldn't start this morning. battery went flat. this always has to happen when i'm using the company cars. haihs.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

i got a car from the company again! using the magna at the moment. woo hoo. although i honestly don't mind taking public transport to work. cuz i'm damn slack... not even bothered to wake up earlier so that i can show up on work on time. since the car broke down, i've been rocking up to work at about 9.30 - 10 in the morning. aihs. where can i find another job like this?

speaking of work, i still haven't completed my resume. its sorta done... but i think i should tweak it a bit more. haven't really put a lot of thought into it. but it just feels like such a waste of time to work on something that might not even be useful in the first place. i did manage to get interviews for jobs with my old resume... although not as much as i would like to think. can't remember anymore.

oh. jacq was asking why i had to look for work. thought i explained in a previous post, or maybe not. basically, my contract at the company ends on the 30th April. and i'm not renewing it because i feel that i should move on la. That, and the fact that the car I was provided broke down, and was sold off for a grand total of $150! if u'r thinking $150 is really cheap, think again. The car was valued at ~$500. but to repair it would cost at least $3-400, if not more. so $150 is actually pretty decent.

anyway. i'll still be going back to the company from time to time. couple of items that still need to be done in regards to the new accounting system. but other than that. theres zilch for me to do. so yeah, time to move on.

Friday, April 14, 2006

its good friday! which means its a public holiday here. woo hoo! hurrah for long weekends... even though we don't really have anything planned. should probably try to catch up on some investment stuff over this week. been slacking since I came back from perth.

i think i'm rather fickle... starting to think about shares again. i'm still interested in property though, but at this point, its gonna be hard for me to get a loan since i'm gonna be unemployed at the end of this month. i need to start investing soon though, before I lose steam and just say fuck it all. aihs.

waiting for thos to get ready now. getting really hungry. gonna go KFC for lunch. i haven't had KFC in a while, maybe 2 months or so? can't remember when i stopped eating KFC at work. not that it makes much of a difference to my diet. my lunch usually consists of half a roasted chicken anyway. and thats equivalent to 3 pieces of KFC chicken, only without the deep fried skin. and here i am rubbing my tummy...which seems to be getting rounder by the day o_O

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

aihs. today just ain't my day. wasted 4 hours of my life because my car broke down on the M5 highway. right in front of the toll too. called NRMA for a service. took 1/2 hour to come. 2 seconds to say he can't work on the car because its on the freeway o_O another 1/2 hour for the tow truck to come and tow the car to a 'safe location' so that the service guy can work on it.

45 minutes for the service guy to get back to me. 1 minute to tell me that the car won't start because the timing belt broke o_O. 1/2 hour for the tow truck to bring the car back to office. 2 hours to get back home. Hmmmm.. thats less than 4 hours.

aihs... i want better luck!