Wednesday, April 05, 2006

aihs. today just ain't my day. wasted 4 hours of my life because my car broke down on the M5 highway. right in front of the toll too. called NRMA for a service. took 1/2 hour to come. 2 seconds to say he can't work on the car because its on the freeway o_O another 1/2 hour for the tow truck to come and tow the car to a 'safe location' so that the service guy can work on it.

45 minutes for the service guy to get back to me. 1 minute to tell me that the car won't start because the timing belt broke o_O. 1/2 hour for the tow truck to bring the car back to office. 2 hours to get back home. Hmmmm.. thats less than 4 hours.

aihs... i want better luck!

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