Friday, May 18, 2007

sales sales sales

david jones and myers having a mid-season sale now. bought some new ties, a shirt and pricey underwear! well..pricey compared to the stuff I use to have anyway. About ~$20 each...which come to think about it is pretty effing expensive for underwear in Malaysian terms o_O

I was walking around david jones after work today as well (the actual shopping was yesterday). Was looking at their suits... and some Hugo Boss items. I soooo want the Boss cashmere coat! They actually look relatively normal as far as cashmere coats go...but it just ooozes wealth. I wannnnttt!!!!! But $800 is a bit much for me to fork out for a single coat... although technically, it is an overcoat.. Hmmmmmm

Nahh... save save save, and then invest! All for the sake of being wealthy in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

time for an update leh!