Tuesday, July 27, 2004

*yawn*  kinda tired now, but wanted to use the com b4 I hit the sack.

I went to check out the Kumdo Do Jang (Kumdo = Korean Kendo) in Burwood tonight.
It was pretty nice to watch the people, kinda smelly though sometimes   o_O
Rekindling an old flame. I reckon I'll start next month, which will be the next Thursday.
It's not really cheap though. $50 membership, $70 monthly, $100 for the gi & hakama (uniform), and $50 for the shinai (which I already have)

It makes me kinda regret that I didn't follow it up when I was in Melbourne...would have been
soooo much cheaper. I think it was $5 a lesson or something like that. I want to be a student again  :'(

My expenses in Aussie are gonna shoot up. I really need to start looking for a new job. Hmmm. Anyone know something for a Software Engineering graduate ??  :)

hmmm, I know I wanted to write something else, but I forgot. Was browsing the net while writing this post. Ah well. Off to bed.

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