Monday, February 27, 2006

today was an enjoyable day at work. cuz I was only in the office for like 4-5 hours out of the whole day. Drove one of the managers down to Parramatta to do an xray for visa. The drive takes like 40 minutes each way. The appointment was quick though. Couldn't even finish reading an article in Times. But then we lepak in the area after that. kekekek. went to have an early lunch, so just walk around the shopping area to look for a place to eat :) found this mixed chinese place and had nasi gorend. it was quite nice. tasty, but very oily (not that it ever stops me from eating...)

work the rest of the day was normal la. the new accounting system really bloody annoys me. a lot of random bugs and crashes and things you can't do. oh well. you get what you pay for I suppose. I have the consultant coming in on Friday for a meeting. Gonna bloody grill her for answers and solutions. Don't think i'll be very happy with the results... its gonna suck if I know more about the program than she does o_O If I do, at least I know where to work after my contract finishes ^_^

just killing some time right now with the blog. decided that I'm not going to play ps2 tonight. Gonna try work on my rentcrawler program later. really need to complete it. i've got roughly another month to muck around researching real estate. have to start taking action in april liao. if my contract doesn't get renewed end April... i'm gonna have a tough time taking out a loan to buy a house. aihs.

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