Saturday, October 22, 2005

it feels like a quiet weekend. Just lazing around at home. Thos is camping on my computer now, so I don't have much to entertain myself with. I was doing a spot of reading in the living room, but it got a little dark outside. Couldn't be stuffed turning on the lights :p

Its a nice day to just laze around at home though, so i'm pretty content with not having anything to do. I like this kind of weather. The sun is hidden away, theres a nice breeze outside and its not overly windy nor cold. Perfect for spazzing with a good book or anime ^_^ Pity I don't have a good book (i'm reading one of those Kiyosaki/Tony Robbins type of book at the moment) and I'm out of anime to watch. Meh.

It seems fatty has been annoyed with my lack of progress in WoW, hes taken to lvlling my character for me. Hehehe. I haven't been lvling my character over the past 2 weeks. Every1 else is 60 or nearing it already, and I'm still bumming around at 46 (47 as of last night). Just feel kinda unmotivated to play, and I have other distractions as well. Playing 2 other games at the moment, Dragonshard and Fable. Hmmm. I really should start looking for entertainment that doesn't involve the computer. Don't want all my back n shoulder problems to come back, especially since my job involves parking my bum behind a desk most of the time.

Just a side note, I've been looking at some old pictures lately. From the high school days. Gawd... my hair looks absolutely horrendous. Hahahah. Can't imagine what I was thinking. Sigh... I can't say that I look good in any of my old Cempaka pictures :p Sadness. I should look after my appearance more, but its such a damn pain. Have to make sure my hair is short. Apply wax n crap like that. So annoying. So much effort, and it doesn't feel like I have much to gain. Theres absolutely no chicks at work, now or ever :p Sad fact of being in my company. I shoulda done something like accounting, or design or some crap like that. Aihs...

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