back from kangaroo valley, and i'm back at work too /cry. its not too bad though. i'm in only for a couple of hours, but i haven't been doing much since i came in apart from reading, which was what I've been doing the past week at work. i've read about 2 years worth of comics. not bad huh?
i don't have any pics of the trip yet, my camera is fucked. have to ask swee fong to bring it back to KL for me, hopefully it won't be too expensive to fix. its just the stupid power button thats stuffing up. I'll upload some pics when I get them from fongie. i'll blog about the trip the same time i post the pictures la, lazy to do it twice.
aihs. i want to go home. not doing anything productive at work. the manager hasn't come in yet, so I can't even set up the new accounting system for him. think i'll leave at lunchtime if he doesn't come in.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
its been extremely hard for me to get out of bed lately. i literally have to force myself to fall out of bed in order to wake. dunno why. i've been getting plenty of sleep i think. possibly my diet. what you eat really affects your body. when i did atkins and south beach, i did notice that i feel more energised in the morning. not that i really kept to the diet. max was about 3 weeks i think. the only thing i've stopped eating is bread at home. i feel that its too easy to eat a lot of it, cause you get hungry fast even though u ate a lot. kinda like porridge.
went for dinner with Andy last night. ashfield again. had like the best dumplings i've ever eaten. dumplings that are actually juicy. bloody good. and the place is cheap too. so its doubly good :) the english name is Shanghai Nights... i think. I just remember that it was a dodgy name la. after dinner, we went to watch King Kong with Jeremy, Ken and a whole bunch of other ppl. From Ken's badminton club. I reckon Kong was good. One of the better movies out this year. I feel that its better than LoTR though. Some parts of LoTR was just kinda gay. Anyway, I'm lazy to say anything about the movies. I'm not a good reviewer and plenty of other sources out there.
Gonna have lunch and finish reading my book.
went for dinner with Andy last night. ashfield again. had like the best dumplings i've ever eaten. dumplings that are actually juicy. bloody good. and the place is cheap too. so its doubly good :) the english name is Shanghai Nights... i think. I just remember that it was a dodgy name la. after dinner, we went to watch King Kong with Jeremy, Ken and a whole bunch of other ppl. From Ken's badminton club. I reckon Kong was good. One of the better movies out this year. I feel that its better than LoTR though. Some parts of LoTR was just kinda gay. Anyway, I'm lazy to say anything about the movies. I'm not a good reviewer and plenty of other sources out there.
Gonna have lunch and finish reading my book.
Friday, December 16, 2005
friday is finally here!! not that i have much to do over the weekend, but at least i don't have to work. even though its been a 4 day work week for me. and it might even be half day today. company xmas party is tonight, and a lot of ppl took off earlier last year. but its a fair bit more busy this time around. so maybe we still have to work the whole day. boo!
we got our new accounting system yesterday. pretty neat! installed it and got it running. who needs a $180/hour consultant! all i need is a user guide and google. i really should work as a consultant. get paid shitloads for doing stuff like this. easy peasy.
we got our new accounting system yesterday. pretty neat! installed it and got it running. who needs a $180/hour consultant! all i need is a user guide and google. i really should work as a consultant. get paid shitloads for doing stuff like this. easy peasy.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Arrgh. So annoying. feels like theres something stuck in my eye. can't get it out. starting to hurt. and my eye is already red from all the rubbing. not a good start to the morning. i'm walking around with one eye closed now. not that if makes much of a difference to me. my left eye is practically blind anyway. thinking of maybe doing laser eye surgery one day. maybe when i get enough money. it gets advertised over the radio fairly often. kinda scary though. theres still a chance that you can go blind, or that your eyes go cacat.
man...can't wait till xmas. holiday period ftw! tomorrow might be a unofficial half day too. cuz the company having it's xmas party. not that I'm going la. Can't be stuffed. kekeke. If there were hot chicks, then I might make the effort. Unfortunately...roughly 150 employees at the company and only 3% are female. I need to work in advertising. Or accounting. Or the porn industry.
its payday!!! Totally forgot about it. A nice surprise. I think its damn sweet how I still get paid $3K after tax even after ditching work at least once a week :) I don't even remember OTing all that much. I had 20 hours of OT and 15 hours sick leave. So i got paid for not working too. Nice!
man...can't wait till xmas. holiday period ftw! tomorrow might be a unofficial half day too. cuz the company having it's xmas party. not that I'm going la. Can't be stuffed. kekeke. If there were hot chicks, then I might make the effort. Unfortunately...roughly 150 employees at the company and only 3% are female. I need to work in advertising. Or accounting. Or the porn industry.
its payday!!! Totally forgot about it. A nice surprise. I think its damn sweet how I still get paid $3K after tax even after ditching work at least once a week :) I don't even remember OTing all that much. I had 20 hours of OT and 15 hours sick leave. So i got paid for not working too. Nice!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
fatty showed me a power recipe.
1 large ripe watermelon
1 bottle of vodka
What to do: cut a hole in the top of the melon, wide & deep enough to wedge in a funnel tightly. Pour some vodka into the melon through the funnel: leave to sit for a day, then top up. Do this for a few days, keeping the melon chilled all the while until it is saturated with drink.
slice, serve and grin.
one of Jamie Oliver's recipes. Must try...
ugh... the heat is horrible. 40 degrees. feel like passing out now. but have to go out. what a day to pick to go watch a movie. aihs. could really use some vodka watermelon now.
[edit again]
no movie to watch. kena conned by website. ish. spose to watch Elizabethtown at 8.45 but movie got cancelled or something. oh well. at least i can stay home now.
1 large ripe watermelon
1 bottle of vodka
What to do: cut a hole in the top of the melon, wide & deep enough to wedge in a funnel tightly. Pour some vodka into the melon through the funnel: leave to sit for a day, then top up. Do this for a few days, keeping the melon chilled all the while until it is saturated with drink.
slice, serve and grin.
one of Jamie Oliver's recipes. Must try...
ugh... the heat is horrible. 40 degrees. feel like passing out now. but have to go out. what a day to pick to go watch a movie. aihs. could really use some vodka watermelon now.
[edit again]
no movie to watch. kena conned by website. ish. spose to watch Elizabethtown at 8.45 but movie got cancelled or something. oh well. at least i can stay home now.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Hmmm. WoW is making me neglect my exercises again. I intended to go for a swim yesterday, but ended up going straight home to play WoW. Wanted to complete a couple of instance quests with Nic and Andy. Ended up failure. Wasted like 2-3 hours because the the other 2 persons we went with were dodgy. Not to say I did great la, but lets leave that aside :p
I don't know what to blog about, so I figure I should explain WoW a little bit. I go on about how much I play...and how much I regret playing it sometimes but I don't think I've blogged about the actual game before.
Anyway, theres a super article on it on wikipedia (duh?) Thats on the entire warcraft universe, not just WoW. All the games, books, etc etc. I'll just just give a basic of basics on WoW, since I'm blogging while I'm doing work as well. Kinda hard to maintain a proper flow of thought when I keep getting interrupted.
First of all, WoW is an MMORPG (short for massively multiplayer online role playing game). Basically means its a game that you can only play online with people all over the world. and WoW is the mother of all MMORPGs to date. 4.5 million subscribers as of November 2005. roughly US$10 a month. Thats a fuckload of money.
Oooo... someone brought cake. Continue later.
Mmm.. yum. some cherry blackforest cake thingy :p Dunno if its a good thing that I'm sitting in front of the kitchen area. Can see whenever the lady brings in cake to work. Have to skip lunch today. I think i'll start eating salads from now on. Hmmm.
Neway, back to Wow. The game is made up of 2 factions. Horde and Alliance. The 'good' guys are Alliance consisting of Humans (you and me), Dwarves (short people), Gnomes (even shorter people) and Night Elves (pretty people). The Horde made up of Tauren (cow people), Forsaken (dead people), Orcs (ugly green people) and the upcoming Blood Elves (pretty people for the Horde).

Both characters don't get play cuz we all made new characters on another server to play with Fatts and the rest.
Blood Elves will be a new addition to the game when the expansion gets released. Too many ppl were playing alliance because horde were too ugly. So they needed something to fix the imbalance. The new alliance race hasn't been decided yet.
You start the game by choosing a race you want to play and then your class or the type of character you are. Depending on the faction and race, you can be a Warrior, Priest, Rogue, Mage, Warlock, Druid, Shaman (horde only) and Paladin (alliance only).
You create your character and set off in the world, killing monsters, completing quests, saving the world that kinda thing. Theres a fair bit of stuff to do. Theres professions to choose from (engineering, blacksmithing, alchemy etc) and you can even learn fishing and cooking too.
Theres no real objective to the game. Just lvl your way to 60, collect more powerful weapons and armor, killing bigger monsters. Doesn't end until you decide to cancel your subscription :p You can solo the game for the most part, but theres a lot of stuff that you need to do as a group. You can enter dungeons called instances with party of 5 (and eventually raids of up to 40 ppl) The mobs in an instance are elite, meaning they are much stronger than a normal mob for the same level. Obviously, you get better rewards as well. After you reach 60, you'll mostly be doing instances to get better equipment and stuff. Either that or you PVP (player vs player) a whole lot. WoW has special instances called Battlegrounds (BG) where they match up horde and alliance players. You can pvp in the BGs or attack some towns or cities in the game.
Fark..wrote quite long lioa. Better start concentrating on work :p I'll put up some pics when I go back home kua. Put up some ingame screenshots or something [ed: put up some pics liao]. Make this post more interesting. Too much text can kill.
I don't know what to blog about, so I figure I should explain WoW a little bit. I go on about how much I play...and how much I regret playing it sometimes but I don't think I've blogged about the actual game before.
Anyway, theres a super article on it on wikipedia (duh?) Thats on the entire warcraft universe, not just WoW. All the games, books, etc etc. I'll just just give a basic of basics on WoW, since I'm blogging while I'm doing work as well. Kinda hard to maintain a proper flow of thought when I keep getting interrupted.
First of all, WoW is an MMORPG (short for massively multiplayer online role playing game). Basically means its a game that you can only play online with people all over the world. and WoW is the mother of all MMORPGs to date. 4.5 million subscribers as of November 2005. roughly US$10 a month. Thats a fuckload of money.
Oooo... someone brought cake. Continue later.
Mmm.. yum. some cherry blackforest cake thingy :p Dunno if its a good thing that I'm sitting in front of the kitchen area. Can see whenever the lady brings in cake to work. Have to skip lunch today. I think i'll start eating salads from now on. Hmmm.
Neway, back to Wow. The game is made up of 2 factions. Horde and Alliance. The 'good' guys are Alliance consisting of Humans (you and me), Dwarves (short people), Gnomes (even shorter people) and Night Elves (pretty people). The Horde made up of Tauren (cow people), Forsaken (dead people), Orcs (ugly green people) and the upcoming Blood Elves (pretty people for the Horde).

My undead warlock on an epic mount

Night Elf druid, Lulufei. Ah Fei's character
Both characters don't get play cuz we all made new characters on another server to play with Fatts and the rest.
Blood Elves will be a new addition to the game when the expansion gets released. Too many ppl were playing alliance because horde were too ugly. So they needed something to fix the imbalance. The new alliance race hasn't been decided yet.
You start the game by choosing a race you want to play and then your class or the type of character you are. Depending on the faction and race, you can be a Warrior, Priest, Rogue, Mage, Warlock, Druid, Shaman (horde only) and Paladin (alliance only).
You create your character and set off in the world, killing monsters, completing quests, saving the world that kinda thing. Theres a fair bit of stuff to do. Theres professions to choose from (engineering, blacksmithing, alchemy etc) and you can even learn fishing and cooking too.
Theres no real objective to the game. Just lvl your way to 60, collect more powerful weapons and armor, killing bigger monsters. Doesn't end until you decide to cancel your subscription :p You can solo the game for the most part, but theres a lot of stuff that you need to do as a group. You can enter dungeons called instances with party of 5 (and eventually raids of up to 40 ppl) The mobs in an instance are elite, meaning they are much stronger than a normal mob for the same level. Obviously, you get better rewards as well. After you reach 60, you'll mostly be doing instances to get better equipment and stuff. Either that or you PVP (player vs player) a whole lot. WoW has special instances called Battlegrounds (BG) where they match up horde and alliance players. You can pvp in the BGs or attack some towns or cities in the game.
Fark..wrote quite long lioa. Better start concentrating on work :p I'll put up some pics when I go back home kua. Put up some ingame screenshots or something [ed: put up some pics liao]. Make this post more interesting. Too much text can kill.
Monday, December 05, 2005
had my blog window open since i came in to work, but been too busy to write anything. its lunch time now, so got a bit of time to rant. i think i slept too much over the weekend. napped in the afternoon on both satuday and sunday. damn lazy weekend. just stayed home, played wow and read my book. i dloaded some movies to watch too. madagascar and 40 yr old virgin. heheh. too cheap to go out and rent. its cinema vcd quality though. the type where u can hear ppl laugh and see ppl walking around. should only dload movies after theres a dvd release.
what else? i think thats it. quite a sien weekend, like every other :p Now i'm thinking what I should eat. Easiest place to go is KFC. Aihs. And I wonder why I can't lose weight o_O My usual meal is a twister or fillet burger and a pack of wicked wings. $4.45 + $1.95. Reasonable meal ah. keeps me satisfied till dinner time. I'd prefer to have 3 packs of wicked wings...more chun n cheap. But then scared i kena stomachache.
i just called up MAS just now. check on airline pricing. The promotion thing ah fei told me about macam don't have liao, or he just quoted me the wrong price. If I fly b4/on the 15th of Jan its $900something. between 16th and 29th its $736 and after the 30th its $681. Tax not included of course. Tax is around $243. Almost $1k to fly back. Aihs. Dunno if its worth it. Can do a lot with that money. I think I'll take half day off tmr. Go down chinatown and see if i can scrounge a cheaper ticket. chinaman ticket agent should be cheaper kua. Anyway, earliest available flight is 21st Jan, so see how it goes.
Kla. Off to lunch.
what else? i think thats it. quite a sien weekend, like every other :p Now i'm thinking what I should eat. Easiest place to go is KFC. Aihs. And I wonder why I can't lose weight o_O My usual meal is a twister or fillet burger and a pack of wicked wings. $4.45 + $1.95. Reasonable meal ah. keeps me satisfied till dinner time. I'd prefer to have 3 packs of wicked wings...more chun n cheap. But then scared i kena stomachache.
i just called up MAS just now. check on airline pricing. The promotion thing ah fei told me about macam don't have liao, or he just quoted me the wrong price. If I fly b4/on the 15th of Jan its $900something. between 16th and 29th its $736 and after the 30th its $681. Tax not included of course. Tax is around $243. Almost $1k to fly back. Aihs. Dunno if its worth it. Can do a lot with that money. I think I'll take half day off tmr. Go down chinatown and see if i can scrounge a cheaper ticket. chinaman ticket agent should be cheaper kua. Anyway, earliest available flight is 21st Jan, so see how it goes.
Kla. Off to lunch.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
its 1st of December. Almost end of the year liao. Feels damn fast. It doesn't feel like I've done anything useful during my time here. Especially this past year. Most of my resolutions also went down the toilet. Cis... useless me. Nvm, make brand new ones for next year ^_^ I kinda like planning and working out schedules and stuff. Did I mention that I made a timetable for myself? Not that I've really been following it. Included stuff like exercise, study and reading time. When u plan things out that way... it really feels like you don't have much time to goof around. I followed it ok in the first week I did it. But then it went down the toilet from last weekend onwards. Stupid WoW weekend :p My druid is lvl 58 now though ^_^ taking extremely long. Which is sort of a good thing. I think when I hit 60, i'm gonna be playing even more. Especially since I can finally join the rest in all the pvp and high end stuff. Aihs...
Mann... my computer at work is bloody annoying me. Have to give it a whack every 5 minutes. The power supply making a damn annoying noise. I think the fan bearings are stuffed or something. Stupid old computers... maybe I should move it to the floor. Yeah. Think I'll do that. Can get more space on my desk too.
Mann... my computer at work is bloody annoying me. Have to give it a whack every 5 minutes. The power supply making a damn annoying noise. I think the fan bearings are stuffed or something. Stupid old computers... maybe I should move it to the floor. Yeah. Think I'll do that. Can get more space on my desk too.
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