Friday, September 09, 2005

lunch break at work, so just gonna blog a little bit. don't have much to blog about actually. its just been work, go home, WoW and then sleep. Fatty is down here in Sydney though. Came down on Wednesday. I haven't lepak'ed with him yet. No time, plus I'm lazy too. Hehehe. Going back home at 7 and sleeping at 10 kills any social life outside of WoW o_O

don't even have time to watch the anime that fatty brought down for me. I'll probably just rip the DVDs or something. I'm gonna be working at Shark this weekend too, so won't have time then as well. Its my last 2 shifts though. I'm quitting this week. I'm still continuing with the cafe for a little while more, but I reckon I'll stop that too.

Once I get my driving license done, I'll be able to have more time to myself (i.e. WoW time :p), rather than spend 4 hours a day travelling to and from work. Damn sick... But I get to read on the train and catch up on some sleep, so its not as bad as it sounds la. Oh! and Carol is gonna come down Sydney for a couple of days from the 19th. Nice! I wanna travel around for work too.

b4 I forget...and update on my HP application. I emailed the recruiter and got this back:

We have informed 6 candidates that we wish to make them an offer and all
have indicated that they are likely to accept. We are just in the
process of ref checking and generating offers. The seventh Sydney role
has been withdrawn by the manager.

I would think that it is becoming less likely that we will be able to
continue with your application for this role.

Obviously I can't say anything definite until offers are accepted.

*sniff* I knew i needed an assasin... Lets hope that those 6 candidates bullshitted their way through the interviews and their refs don't check out ^_^ *prays really hard*

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