Tuesday, October 10, 2006

buzzy feeling

getting a job offer after so freaking long is really giving me a buzzy feeling inside. feeling quite excited and hyper now. especially since I might have 2 jobs offers on the table! Well... technically 3 if I consider my previous company. And the jobs are straight into consultancy to boot! No mucking around in support or programming to work myself up. Bah to that!

Anyways, the offer I received is for my 2nd choice. I got the 2nd/final interview on Thursday morning, and hopefully I'll be able to make a decision on Friday.... oooo. I don't even feel nervous for the interview. Hahhah. Overconfidence shalt be my downfall. But before that...its back to researching the company, and thinking up of more stuff to talk about during the interview.

my persistence is finally paying off. stocks are good. job is looking good. WoW is good (or bad...depending on your perspective). Next I can finally start on working out! I actually tried starting last week... but then my stomach actually started cramping up halfway o_O Shows how bloody unfit I am now...

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