Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I got my first piece of actual work today. And also started on some online training courses, which doesn't look too useful at first since I've already read the material over the past week.

I'm supposed to write a report for one of BG's clients (I'll start referring to the company as BG). Sounds pretty simple, considering that the request is a 2 liner email with 4 criterias that don't total more than 29 words I think. Unfortunately that not the case. The short email just means theres less information to work with... and its going to take time to elicit the requirements from the client.

Worse still is that I have to understand the structure of their universe (the Business Object term for the structure of the data), which seems to be horribly designed and unnecessarily complicated. And in order to do the report... its a must to do be able to make sense of the universe. And I gotta give an estimate on the time I'll need to finish this and BG will quote that to the client o_O I really dislike having to estimate the time it takes to do something, especially since I barely know shit about the product in the first place.

Ah well...at least its something worthwhile doing. Maybe I'll just quote something like 10 working days and see if I can get away with that :)

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