Sunday, March 25, 2007

pnwed by stupidity...

i just realised something seriously off with my Fitness First membership today. I was paying off my credit card bill, and only just noticed that I've been making 2 payments for my FF membership each month.

I was thinking bloody hell... I've been overcharged for my gym memberships, working under the assumption that my membership is $36.95 per month. And thats what I have been happily telling everyone as well. I even called them to find out what was going on, but then Accounts isn't open on a Sunday.

Decided to read over my membership form... and it says $36.95 per fortnight. MCH!@#!!! I thought I was only paying that much per month. So so so stupid... I feel so conned. Dumb ass fortnight payments. Now I'm actually paying $73.90 for my membership. Aihs... and I'm locked in for another half a year plus. Not that I can quit at this stage anyway. Gym-ming is part of my routine now.

I'm feeling so depressed now... I think even Tho's membership is cheaper than mine. Since he got someone on the inside to do it for him. ARRGGHHHH. I shall go drown my sorrows in Jagermeister & Red Bull.

Well... its not really a lot of money once taken in perspective. Instead of paying $443.40 for a year worth of Fitness Firsting. Its only $886.80. Oh wait... thats 200% more!! Its an extra $443.40 to spend a year! Thats 4 very nice shirts from David Jones. Thats RM1234... Thats ARRRRGHHHHH!!!!

*bangs head on keyboard*


Anonymous said...

HAHA! poor thing! and yet, i've been telling ppl too, u've been paying so cheap for ur membership! but i cant believe u didnt know u've been charged every twice a mth!! n when u signed up they didnt tell u that!! so how much is the usual rate?

-K- said...

I never noticed on the bill. Cuz initially I thought it was backcharged... and then maybe pay for the next month in advance or some nonsense like that.

normally is $39.95 apparently. damn bodoh... I feel so conned.