Tuesday, September 19, 2006

as expected, I didn't get the job. Good feedback from interview but not enough industry experience for the job. I already had a feeling about that when I did the interview, but was hoping I could still make it. Aihs, back to the drawing board. I think its already been 6 months since I became semi-unemployed, I don't consider data entry real work, even though I've been doing that for about 2 months. I think its time to reassess my options again. Zzzz... damn annoying

I know what I want, and roughly where I want to end up career-wise. The 2 choices would be a business analyst, or a ERP consultant. Actually get into those fields? Well...6 months and counting should suffice as an answer. I've been thinking that I wouldn't mind getting run over by a car and just dying then and there. Obviously, dying after getting hit by the car is the important. Not becoming a vegetable, semi or otherwise. Incidently, that almost occured a few days back. Almost got run down by some dumb shit when I was using the zebra crossing. I already looked both ways before crossing, and he had more than enough distance to stop. Instead of slowing down, he just sped past when I was halfway across the street. Tiu.

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