Tuesday, September 26, 2006

something wrong with the picture

I finally got off my ass and went to see the doctor regarding my knee today. Primarily because I've been feeling and looking pretty fat lately. What with my zero exercise for the past 6 months, and my staple diet of a continental breakfast in the morning and pizza at night.

So yeah, I went to see the doc after work, telling him that I want to do kickboxing and stuff again because I want to get some exercise. And after that, I walked into KFC to buy a 2-piece+chips & a pack of wicked wings for dinner. Hmmmmmm.....

Anyway, doc says really can't tell if theres anything else wrong with my knee. I check on fine on the surface, but it will take a MRI to really tell if theres more damage inside. Basically a wait and see approach. He told me I can basically sports and stuff, and if it hurts then he will send me to an orthopedist to get an assessment. Apparently an MRI isn't really covered under Medicare. So I'm going to start swimming again! Soon...

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