Wednesday, August 03, 2005

yay! my carpet got fixed this morning. i finally get to live in my room again, after approx 1 1/2 months :p I'm still out $400 though...aihs. Summore plan to go skiing. I'm so broke. And I need to fly to Perth for my godmum's bday in Sept, thats also another $400. Super broke...

It was kinda interesting watching the guy put the carpet in. I suppose its sorta worth the money you pay him. He definitely does more work than a locksmith. And charge roughly the same amount (I think...) But anyway, the carpet isn't a perfect match. I'd go a bit anal about it if it was my own home, but I'm renting so it doesn't matter.

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Doesn't look too bad?

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Reminds me of layered cake

And something random

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The talismans I got from my mom

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