Thursday, October 21, 2004

not going to kendo today... i ate abit too much. finished up the rest of the beef rendang i cooked yesterday. i think i cooked enough for 5-6 meals...finished it all for today's breakfast, lunch and dinner. i also had a whole can of pringles on the way home. picked up the pringles when i went to buy some soya bean. greedy. couldn't even wait another 2 minuts to reach home b4 i opened it. ended up polishing half b4 i even reached the door :p

i feel rather uncomfortable now...stomach really....bloated :( i'd probably puke thru my helmet if i had to do kendo. blech

with that said...theres nothing else to do tonight. anime as usual. and maybe play some computer games. oh! i've also added jun yi to my links (or going to :p) she has an interesting blog title :)

i recently started watching Azumanga Daioh. cutesy type of anime. doesn't really have a storyline. but its funny. I'm blogging about this cuz I sorta like the opening theme. its been repeating in my head for the past 2-3 days. its a really...odd song. I think I like it...but not sure. hehehe. I'll see if I can post a clip up. the music just intrigues me. its a simple tune...seems abit off key. speeds up in parts...slows down... o_O

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