Sunday, October 31, 2004

i shall blog before fatts! he's probably gonna wake up some time in the afternoon after yesterday's session.... i'm probably go back to sleep as well... after popping a panadol or something. majorrrr hangover. :p

last night was my sis's wedding i mentioned b4. i've got another one tonight (groom's side) but couldn't ask any of the guys to come to this one. don't know if i can recover in time for it :p

its a little hard to blog right thinking is still kinda fuzzy. fatts is gonna blog the same thing anyway..hahahah. since our night is pretty much the same :) wedding dinner... and then drinking session in hartamas.
We went to Orange... we meaning Sugus (Cong Sheng :p), Joanna, Nins + gf, Nains, Fatts & Kelynn. I remember the flamings (2 of them summore! bloody nains..... :p) ...i remember the games and how I kept losing in superman/batman/wonderwoman and 007-bang :p reflexes abit dodgy by that time of the night :p

the only thing i don't remember was....leaving the place o_O passed out already. hope i didn't do anything uhhh....too embarrassing. good thing had sugus to drive me back :) no drunk driving for me!

anyway..fatts will have pictures up.....eventually :p so head over to his blog. trancemission something :p sorry la! i never remember your url. hahaha

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