Friday, October 08, 2004

well...i didn't get sick today, which means the 'pei tan' smelling chicken isn't spoilt. either that or i got a strong stomach. i still ditched work today. just felt too lazy to get up this morning. i can be so irresponsible... i think i'm the only person among my frens that 'pontengs' work just because i don't feel like going.

i did wake up fine...was pretty wide awake at 6 in the morning. but i lolled around in bed contemplating whether i shuold skip work. the feeling of my warm bed won in the end :p

i didn't do jack shit today either... morning was just watching some anime... and reading a manga on the computer (and one that i've read before too :p) and then I slept the wholeeeee afternoon away. gawd... i'm lazy. I've been like that the whole week. Sleep alot. Even though I wasn't feeling well in the beginning of the week... but I think the inactivity is getting to me. I haven't even gone for my kendo lessons this week.

i just came back from watching anaconda with thos & sin cie. didn't do anything else... just went down city.. watch the movie... and ciaoed. the movie wasn't great, but i wasn't expecting anything anyway. wish we watched shark tales instead.

and something kinda pissed me off tonight! sin cie got her PR. wtf man !??! i think she applied 1 month later than me too. ma hai!!! i am SOOOOO not satisfied. i mean...i should be glad that she got her PR and everything, since she seems to complain bloody alot about her job and everything. but fuck that! i need to get back home at the end of the month. and Thos was saying its almost impossible even if I get the PR. cuz it takes 10 working days for them to process even after they approve. and thats roughly the amount of time i have left.

this kind of stuff really pisses me off. i really hate having to rely on others like this. have so many problems like this last time....i don't even want to mention them here. its just gonna piss me off even more if i think about it. my motto as alwez kinda been 'if you want things done right, do it yourself'. but in situations like can't do jack shit. you can't even tell off the case officer...else they'll just leave your application to gather dust...or just stamp it "Reject". ma hai... at least when I deal with supplier's at work...i can give them hell if they screw up and then they'll get the job done. arrgghhhh.

enuf bitching. blogging about this is only making me more pissed. gonna drown myself in alcohol. I just made myself a 'cranberry comfort'. Southern Comfort + Cranberry Juice. quite nice... dunno if its an actual cocktail name.... but doesn't matter.

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