Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I've got no work till Friday...so its gonna be quite slack this week. Right now just waiting for Thos to come back so we can go kickboxing. I start today! In the meantime I'm gonna post up some pics. We had Thos's birthday dinner on Sunday at Kopitiam. Good Malaysian food! Quite authentic. Unlike the Singapore Kopitiam in Melbourne... but then again, singapore food is pretty crap anway :) Btw...if anyone has forgotten, Thos birthday is today. Lets all not wish him! :p Jkidding. Happy birthday! May you pick up a size 14 chick this year!

Newayz...on to the pictures

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Good place to eat!

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The chicken satay is damn nice...

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and so was the fish head curry

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Great cendol too! Feels like I'm back home

We had plenty of other dishes too. Thos was being a bitch and ordered lots of prawn dishes though o_O Evil... but I had my fill of the hakka style pork! Closest thing to kao yuk I've had in ages. I want more!!! I realised I didn't take a picture of it.... too busy stuffing my face by then kua...

Pictures didn't turn out that nice though. A lil disappointed. I didn't put the flash on, so most of it came out pretty blur and grainy. aihs. Ermmm..attendees were Tho's aunt + de facto & his granma, Fei Hai Andy, Suncorp Andy, Ken, Betty and yours truly ^_^ Another chick was spose to turn up but she FFKed.

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Pics small..so you can't really tell the quality neway ^_^

And that wraps up the 1st part of the night... we wanted to go K again, but then fully booked. So we ended up at our place to help deplete my alcohol stock :) We played the classic drinking game

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I have no idea what this game is called, but its a staple at every session ^_^

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Thos gives it a grand start...

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what the?!? o_O

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But no worries! With ppl like me in the game, this is how it ends up :p

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Results are a happy Thos!

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"Hmmm... this doesn't taste so bad"

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"Bring it on!"

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and hes gone....after less than 2 drinks

All in all... its been a good easter weekend. Coming up next... skirmish on Sunday! Can't wait!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

I finally got around to embedding a music file on the blog. I don't know if anyone else can hear it... cuz the file is actually stored in my gmail ^_^ 1 gig of file storage goodness. Please leave a comment if you can/can't hear the song. The song I put up was what I mentioned the other time. Moon on the Water by Beat Crusaders. This is the anime version though. The file size was smaller, so I uploaded this one instead of the original.

Oh. And in case Shoobaba wonders why the code snippet looks familiar, I ripped it off your source :)

I woke up fairly late today. About 1 something. Was sorta supposed to join Thos for lunch with his aunt... but slept too late the last night. As for the rest of the day... I alternated between playing WoW and finally getting around to completing my job applications. Deadline coming real soon. So hopefully I can have the main ones done by tomorrow. It takes me like 2 hours to write an answer to one of the questions....and its barely a decent one too. I think I should take some business writing classes. My english has gone to the pits since high school.

Other news... I realised I've been doing my work outs all wrong. Not doing the exercises properly. So now I have to start from scratch since what I've done so far was sorta useless in building up strength. I'm gonna start doing heavier weights, situps (instead of crunches) and pullups now. The weights and situps are ok.. but pullups are gonna be a bitch. I can't do even a single full pullup at the moment. Aihs...so depressing. K k..enough blogging, gotta continue with my applications.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

tonight (last night to be more accurate) wasn't too bad. something different from what i usually do for the past few weeks (which is WoW or anime). daytime was business as usual. woke up late, played WoW, swapped the com with Thos, and then I did my job applications.

Suncorp Andy rang up and we went out for dinner. He was supposed to meet Size 14 Jenny later on that night. Long story behind that. Jenny is this girl working at Suncorp Melbourne. I think she calls up Sydney pretty often (for work) and hit it up pretty well with Suncorp Andy and Thos. Shes not actually size 14. They just called her that cuz she mentioned what IF she was size 14. She turned out to be a pretty skinny girl. Not too bad looking I suppose.

Neway... we met up with them after dinner (and dessert!) 4 girls... I only remember the names of Jenny and a Nikki. We were suppose to go K but it was packed...and amazingly enough.. ALL THE BARS AND CLUBS WERE CLOSED!!!! what the hell?? I never realised Sydney was so unhappening. Granted its Good Friday... but still. Places in Melbourne were still open! Sheesh.

We spent about an hour and a half wandering around looking for a pub that was open. We ended up at a cafe and had some really crappy drinks there. I wanted a Vodka & Cranberry. They didn't have Absolut so I had Stolli instead. But no cranberry juice, so I had Vodka Lemon Lime Bitters. It came without the bitters. And I kinda suspect theres no vodka as well. But I couldn't tell cuz the waiter must have dumped half a bottle of bitters in it after I mentioned it was missing. And no lemon garnish too! Tsk tsk. Bar rating: 0/10

After that... we got a room at *** **** (karaoke) One thing about Sydney karaoke ... they don't sell alcohol *long pause* a K centre without alcohol?? You got to be joking...but its true!! Different licensing scheme apparently. If you want to drink here... you bring your own liquor. I guess its good that way..cuz its cheaper :) Suncorp Andy knew someone there, so we got some beer under the table anyway ^_^

Oh. Ken (Suncorp too) & Betty (wife of Ken) joined us at the K as well. I didn't bother singing, just played dice and drinking games. Thos was bloody amusing tonight. Former NSW (ed: AUSTRALIAN...not just NSW) kyokushin champion got bullied by a chick. Jenny actually forced Thos to drink beer! He got pretty drunk by the end of it... and we have photo evidence too! That will have to wait though... I didn't bring my camera, but Ken took some pics. ^_^ Jenny was layaning Thos the whole time. Don't know whether she just wants to bully Thos cuz he doesn't drink...or cuz she wants some ^_^ lucky Thos! hahahahha. can't wait for the photos!

edit: btw... the *** **** was just to keep the name anonymous, just in case :)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

No work for the rest of the week... so I can maximum warcraft! or not... I was suppose to start kickboxing tonight. Didn't mention that before, but I'm gonna start going to Tho's dojo. I was ready to go...but Thos ffk, so its not my fault :p He came back late from work..so couldn't make it in time la. So I'll start next Tuesday then.

Other news... Carol is jetting off to South America tomorrow!! 5 weeks holiday with her bf. Mannn.. so niceeee. I wanna go too! South America...not as a lamppost :p Nvm nvm... my time will come some day. I don't think I've blogged this before, but I want to go learn spanish somewhere in SA one day. Maybe Argentina, haven't really decided. First stop will be Shanghai to learn mandarin. And its not Shanghai because of that photo gallery site I posted the other day :p I just happen to know someone thats doing that at the moment. Some kind of student exchange program. Pretty cool, but I wouldn't be eligible for something like that anymore. Plus... I think I have relatives there. Or maybe thats just Taiwan? Hmmm... doesn't matter to me anyway.

2nd stop will be Japan to learn japanese (duh?) I was thinking of Osaka... their dialect is pretty cool. Plus.... its practically guaranteed I can practise my kendo as well :) And after this would be South America. I have absolutely no idea how much this would cost me... but its a long way off anyway. So no worries. I'll be in Aussie for another 2-3 years? Besides...all this may change if I land a good job here. Oh well... time will tell.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I must say... WoW is the single entity that seriously saps away my time. The servers are still down, so I can't play in the morning. BUTT.. I've already done my laundry, cleaned my room, tidied the bathroom, paid some of my bills plus I'm going to start my work applications after this post as well. Productive-nya...

I downloaded the Beck soundtrack yesteryday. Its both a manga and anime btw. I reckon its really nice. The link goes to a review of the anime btw... I suck at writing synopsis, so can't be stuffed anymore. The story is pretty much about a band called Beck, so theres music involved (duh!) I kinda liked some of the songs so dloaded the soundtrack. Its pretty cool. Theres a CD for the anime version of the songs, and another for the songs done by the original bands.

I really liked one of the songs though. Moon on the Water by Beat Crusaders. Well...I preferred the anime version cuz its a chick singing ^_^ But anyway...its a nice song, kinda simple and short though. And its in japanese-styled english as well :p I really should find out where I can upload music to post on the blog.
WoW server down...so theres no warcrafting for me tonight :'( On the bright side, I got part of my job application(s) done. A very small part... I just wrote like 3-4 lines detailing what subjects I failed during uni.

I got distracted by my cocktail book which I left by my computer... I've got nothing else to do, so I'm gonna share some alcohol facts (sorta). Do you know what constitutes a standard drink? And no way in hell is drinking straight from a Chivas bottle a standard drink :p (someone can tell Jason that...)

1 standard drink equals approx 10grams of alco (or 12.5mls)

Standard measures:
Fortified Wine...60ml

Thos asked about alco strength in beer as well... so ermm

Regular beer = 4-5%
Light beer = 2-3%
Spirits = ~40% (doesn't matter if its mixed or not)
Wine = 12%
F.Wine = 20% (fyi, fortified wine is stuff like port, sherry etc.)

Informative yes?? Anything else you wanna know about alcohol... let me know :) I 've got plenty of books. Hehehe. Cooking recipes as well (alchoholic of course ^_^) Oh. 1 more thing b4 I go off n watch anime. RDA for alcohol, so you can booze yourself to death safely :p

Less than 4 standard drinks = Low Risk
4-6 std. drinks = Risky
6+ = Harmful

*based on 2 alcohol-free days per week

Where do you rate? And just so you know... I fall in the low risk category....except when I had dinner at Ken's place. We finished about 3/4 of Moutai. 53% of alcoholic goodness and most of it went into my glass o_O

Monday, March 21, 2005

Sunrise and a splinter...

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Nice yeah? Wouldn't be able to see this if I didn't play WoW until daybreak :)

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Injured during work.. I want worker's compo!

Ermm.. got nothin else to blog :) Gonna get ready for work.. in the meantime, have a look at this. Carol passed it to me after I complained I was bored... Shanghai girls can be pretty yes?

Saturday, March 19, 2005


i wanna take a nap soon. playing WoW the whole day made me tired :) i'm such a lazy bum. I'm still procrastinating on my job applications. Damn damn damn hate doing them. Sighhh. I keep telling myself I'll do it at night...and then i end up playing WoW (or Tekken is Thos is on my com). Then I'll say I'll do it in the morning... and I end up playing WoW some more. WoW is a curse.... actually not really la. Even if I didn't that that game... I'd find some other shit to do rather than face writing another cover letter or make up some shit for the application.

we had a pretty good lunch yesterday. Buffet at Marriots. Only $30 for pretty good food. They had oysters... but it wasn't fresh. I think it gave me diarrhea as well. Or maybe that was cuz of the semi-rotten chicken i cooked the other day... hmmmm. It was an early birthday present for Thos from Andy. I didn't contribute cuz I wanted to buy something later on... but in case I procrastinate (yet again...), too bad for Thos :p

thazzit for an update.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

i don't have work today which is kind of a pity..cuz the weather is pretty good for an afternoon shift. its been raining, which means less people :) and its not hot as well. one of the worst things about working in the evenings is the damn sun. i can't wait for winter period to come... and the sun sets at like 4 in the afternoon

ah well. at least i got to play loads of warcraft today. i was only planning to go at it for like 1-2 hours...but that dragged on to 5 hours o_O I only stopped cuz I wanted to prepare dinner. I'm gonna cook some spoilt chicken tonight... the chicken smelt a little off when I took it out of the fridge. really should have put it in the freezer when I bought it. But i don't like defrosting stuff. makes cooking seems like even more of a hassle. anyways. heres hoping i don't get food poisoning. I drowned it in some alcohol...so maybe that will kill the bacteria ^_^ Southern Comfort chicken! Wonder how it'll taste like...

neway..must must MUST finish my job applications tonight

Monday, March 14, 2005

fatty just showed me some cosplay pictures, so just wanted to share ^_^

nice ass yeah?

a pro!

Theres alot more pictures, but I'm too lazy to link them up. Theres damn alot at cosplay.com but I can't be stuffed linking them. Obviously.. not all the girls are chun, so didn't really bother looking through the galleries much.

oh! fatty just gave me another link. Its the official site of the angel costume girl.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

today has been absolutely unproductive (gee...what else is new?) I think I should get some weekend shifts as well. Make better use of my time. I just spent the whole day on the computer. If I wasn't playing WoW.. I was watching anime. sigh. I didn't even get my work applications done. Don't know what to write. Really..really reallyyyy such a bloody pain. If I really wanted the job, I'd probably be able to think of something good. But all I can come up with now is generic bullshit. Sucks to be dispassionate about work sometimes. Each time I fill up an online application... I gotta put in my grades as well. Quite disappointing to keep doing that. I really did have some crappy results. My uni grades are like a bell curve. Lots of 60s and 70s... and about the same amount of 50s and 80s. Sheeshh. More than a year since I graduated and my results are still haunting me. blehh

Hmm.. I've skipped exercises for the past 2 days as well. Not good. I'll make sure I'll swim tomorrow though. If I don't... may my warcraft character get deleted. o_O

Friday, March 11, 2005

i feel so sleepy after showering... but i gotta head off to work soon. its gonna be 3 to 11.30 today, 9 1/2 hours.... not looking forward to it. its a Friday too, so guaranteed busy.


i'm actually so tired I don't really have the strength to type anymore. shouldn't have taken a hot shower. i'm gonna fall asleep on the bus, i usually do that anyway. public transport very conducive for sleeping. i alwez nap for a couple of minutes when i'm on my way to work. i'm more wide awake when I come back though...

ermm.. just a little on my job applications so far. i'm almost done with the PWC application. gonna start with EY soon. and then Telstra and Optus. simply hantam only :) but in the event that i fail everything.... i can go back to Favco :) The GM called me up the other day and asked if I found a job yet. If I didn't have anything... he will have something planned for me. And it wouldn't be purchasing this time :p I think hes finally gonna move ahead with the modernisation of the place (about time!) But don't quite know what role I will play though.

I'm gonna email him over the weekend to find out more. I'm curious...even if I'm not all that keen on it (the travelling sucks bigtime)

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I'm feeling a little lazy to blog now, cuz I wanna play games instead of typing out a post :p I seem to have one too many time wasting activities. I can't play Warcraft tonight though. Servers are down for maintenance. What a disaster! But I got plenty of backup games to play ^_^ I'm installing one now, so might as well blog in the meantime.

I was just writing some updates yesterday, but can't really be stuffed repeating it. The gist of it is that I'm still playing lots of WoW (Thos as well...), still enjoy my work at the cafe (although it can be bloody boring when theres nothing to do) and that I just applied for the Accenture gradute program.

Hmm... that's a pretty long sentence. I've still got a couple more applications to do. Gonna try to go thru them by the end of the week. Its what I've been waiting for all this while, but I'm still pretty unmotivated to do it. Hate writing stuff for job applications. I can only come up with a typical job application answer. Probably because I'm only half interested in most of these jobs. Its applying for the sake of applying, plus its not what I would like to do for the rest of my life.

What is wrong with me?? Sometimes I think everyone else is moving ahead, but I'm still stuck where I've always been. If I just keep doing the things I want... I really wonder what kind of future I'd end up with. I really should give this some deep thought, but my game beckons ^_^

.....and I wonder why I'm still stuck where I am :p

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Ah tiu... just lost my post.

Can't be stuffed re-writing it now. Maybe later.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Between World of Warcraft, working night shifts and Disgaea... my exercise routine has gone down the gutter. I haven't even been swimming since last Thursday. I did buy some earplugs though. Water kept going into my ear when I do free-style... quite irritating. Plus I'm pretty freaked out at getting some sort of weird water-borne infection. Eeew.

Today was spose to be my day off, but the cafe needed more ppl... so I'm gonna be working tonight. Should have refused... I just feel like sitting at home and playing WoW ^_^ Not to mention the weather looks like its getting pretty bad. It actually rained earlier, but I didn't notice until I heard thunder. WoW is evil...

Thos is addicted as well liao... I'll come home at 12something and I can expect him to be sitting in front of my com playing it. He even skips dinner to play o_O gone-case.

I got paid yesterday too! $354 for about 30+ hours work. Seems quite crappy... I get more money on weekends! I think its $15 instead of $12 per hour. I got more at Favco though... $30/hour if I work on weekends :) double pay! damn sweet! But that was then..this is now... sighhhh.