Wednesday, January 05, 2005

i'm at work and i'm bludging big time. blogging while having a cup of tea. how much more unproductive can I get? I didn't blog yesterday... so this was to make up for it. But I don't know what to write now o_O

I've moved mebbe 2/3rds of my stuff over to Jeremy's already, but it still looks like I have alot of crap to pack. Probably cuz my stuff is strewn everywhere. I've been really lazy to keep things in order ever since i was gonna move. I still gotta find a removalist to move the big stuff over. I found the number of one guy that I used when I bought the fridge & washer from Yen. Hopefully he is still available.

I have exactly another week b4 my unemployment!! How exciting! Heheheh. Its kinda why I'm feeling pretty lazy to do stuff around here now. But its not like I get any respite even though I'm leaving. In fact, I have alot more crap on my hands to do. Gonna have to write up a summary of all the stuff I ordered for the cranes in the past 2 months or so, and then expedite the items that aren't here yet... and thats fricking alot!!!

Really hate doing that though. Its bloody irritating. Things that should be here but they aren't. Things that are here but went missing (which means I have to find it... or re-order it). Things that are here but never got recorded, so we think they are not here. The list never ends. Its my main bitch about how things get done here. And the cause is mainly cuz things are done manually here. I reckon at least 75% of the work done in regards to purchasing can be cut down if we had a computerised system. Probably more. Give me a budget and authority and I can bloody save the company heaps and make it hell more efficient. And I'm not blowing my own horn... its mainly cuz the way things are done here are so archaic, its bloody easy to improve :p

I was actually offered to do that though, if I wanted to continue working here. The GM would have gotten me to get our computerised system up and running (We do have one, just that its not being used properly and its pretty crap imo) But I couldn't be stuffed staying here la. Cuz its still uncertain when he wants to move ahead with that, its just that eventually he wants too. Oh well... if i'm desperate and I need a job next time, I can always come back here :p

Err.... think I better stop bludgin... I mean blogging here la. Feeling guilty about not doing work liao :p

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