Monday, December 27, 2004

today... errrr, yesterday to be more exact was boxing day. which means big sales!!! I went down to the city, prepared to blow my money on discounted goods. BUTTTT, all the shops were closed o_O the retail industry decided to postpone the boxing day sales to tomorrow, probably cuz today was a sunday. sheesshh. aussies are such lazy asses. so i'm gonna have to go down city again today. don't know if i will bother. sales = huge ass crowds, and i don't like crowd, unless its a bevy of beautiful females of course ^_^

today ain't all that bad... cuz Tekken 5 is finally out in Sydney!!!! It's bloody gorgeous. Love the graphics, love the effects, love the game! I met up with Andy after I found out the shops were closed and we spent the rest of the afternoon playing (and watching ppl play) Tekken. Thos joined us later, played abit and then we watched Blade:Trinity. Pretty cool. Andy was disappointed with the show... but I didn't mind it so much. I didn't have high expectations anyway, so its all good to me :)

We had dinner after that...and continued spending the rest of the night in the arcade :) I left at about 11.30.... Thos said he was staying till about 12ish. End of the day...end of my post.

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