Wednesday, December 08, 2004

went down city to have dinner with Andy today. i usually don't go down on weekdays, but he really wanted to go over a business idea with me. he was just 'enlightened' by Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad bok and got really psyched by an idea that he thought of. All a result of his computer breaking down and having nothing else to do at home (sounds kinda like me...)

But neway, we had a pub dinner at Scruffy Murphy's, chatted and discussed his idea. Gave him some tips...and we'll just see how it goes from now on la.

Neway... I have a feeling that Sydney trains are really filthy. I seem to be getting a rash every now and then from riding the trains. my hand is all reddish and slightly swollen now. It had those "mosquit bite"-like lumps all over as well. yuckk!! glad its gone... shoulda taken a picture though. show the doctor the next time I visit. I think i should an allergy test.... just in case i developed new allergies to some foods.

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