Sunday, May 21, 2006

i bought myself a new set of weighing scales (is that correct english?) today and I'm offcially 84kg. I want to get myself down to at least 80kg, or somewhere between 75-80. My ideal weight seems to be around that mark. So I guess I'm gonna go back to my 1st phase SB diet for another 2 weeks. I'll try to follow it to the tee this time, see if it really makes a big difference.

But first, I must finish my Balconi Mix Max bars...

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which is an ownage chocolate coated cake like biscuit. kinda like those korean/japanese snacks. except that this is Italian! and seems slightly cheaper

we watched the Davinci Code earlier. It wasn't too bad. I felt a little bored in the later part of the movie, but it wasn't as crap as what reviews made of it. Or maybe a movie is a lot better if you go in expecting it to be crap. It wasn't a badly made movie, just feels a little long winded at times. But then again, theres worse movies out there. Like Elektra...which is absolutely takes the cake for one of the worst movies I've ever watched.

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