Friday, May 12, 2006

i was doing a google on 'chinese tea pouring etiquette' and stumbled upon something that I thought was amusing for some odd reason

"Putting food in other people's bowls even if they don't want it is NOT RUDE.
You are actually demonstrating your good nature by serving others instead of yourself. Usually, there is one person at the table who is an obvious target for any leftover food."

the part about there being a target for leftover food just amused somehow. one of my oddities i suppose. anyway, I was just wondering what is proper when pouring tea for other ppl during a meal. Is it okay to take the other person's cup and pour tea in it? Or endeavour to pour the tea when the cup is on the table. Can't figure it out or find any references in it.

I know you shouldn't do it when you pour wine at a table (as a waiter) but i'm not too sure when it comes to chinese etiquette. i figure its something interesting to know. I try not to pick up ppl's glasses when pouring drinks, and don't quite like it when ppl hold out their glass while i pour (just in case I spill it over their hands). Fatty tends to pick up glasses and pour irrespective on distance, since his hand trembles like he has Parkinson's or something.

Anyone know whats appropriate ?

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