Monday, September 06, 2004

'The Davinci Code' is actually a pretty good read. i'm slightly over a third thru the book. just been reading it while on the trains. i was reading it on my way home today, and almost missed my stop. too engrossed in the book, i didn't even realise the train was making stops.

didn't feel like cooking tonight, so had siu yuk fan!! i eat way too much of that. thats probably the reason why i can't seem to lose weight :p i think i have it at least twice, if not 3 times a week. too much... nothing else happened at night, ODed myself on anime, and finished Fruit Basket. Internet was down until about 10 mins ago, so i only just got online.

i'm just gonna finish this blog, then i gotta go pack my gear for training tomorrow. my left hand looks really ugly now. theres a red spot where i got a blister at the 'ball' of my finger. i think its a blood clot under the skin, and the skin is exposed...cuz swinging the shinai tears parts of the skin away :p sounds gross huh? i'm take a picture if i had a cam :)

what other injuries do i have? i got one thats unrelated to a stupid ulcer on my lip. damn irritating. all this while i thought it was a cut or just cracked lips. looked in the mirror 5 mins ago and found it was an ulcer. sheesh. just as irritating. at least it doesn't really get in the way of eating :)

oh! i still haven't gotten a timeslot for the accenture interview. aihs. nvm! i shall perservere!! and keep bugging the accenture guy until he organises one. muahahhaha. kla. i wanted to blog more about kumdo today, since Wilson asked. Will (no pun intended ^_^) do that next time. feeling lazy at the moment.

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