Friday, September 10, 2004

friday night blog. like i mentioned previously (...previously mentioned? hmmm) i had my PR medical again today. went down city, had lunch with Yen and then went to the medical. i didn't have to do a chest x-ray again though. woopee!!! i guess some good did come out of having my follow up x-ray so late (the one for the TB follow-up). saved me ermm...$80. yeahh!! lucky thing i decided to bring the report from that checkup, if not i would have to do the xray. phew! i don't feel so bad now. hahahah.

although with my luck... i can envision my case officer getting the medical reports late. and then that xray report would have expired (valid for 2 months)... and i have to go thru the whole process again. By the time i get another xray done, and get the reports sent over, my police check and skills assessment would expire o_O ....ARRRGHHHHH... kla. abit exaggerate. i'm not born under a black star (i think...)

newayz. i went to see bikes today as well. at Action motorcycles in the city. pity its not like in Melbourne. you get all the city bike shops in one row. sooo much more convenient. anywayz. The guy i spoke with didn't recommend an FZR250. Cuz its too old...and will have problems eventually. Thats not a big deal in itself...but parts for the FZR are REAALLYY hard to get. I should know...I rode one in Melbourne. I couldn't even get a windshield replacement for my bike. Shheeshh.

i told him my budget for a bike (around 4K...more to the left side) and he mentioned its not enough to get a badass sports bike. They have a '97 Yamaha Zeal going for $4500...regoed till Feb '05. oh! in case you didn't realise... i've decided to get a bike instead of a car :p I lose the convenience of a car...but i get to ride something that looks and feels good :) now i just gotta work out how much i should spend, and what to get.

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