Monday, September 20, 2004

good news!!! i got myself a girlfriend!!

notttt!! painful fact...aihs. but nahh.. i got my tax refund today! woohoo! extra 1k in my account! BUUTTT every silver lining comes with dark cloud. Cuz that 1K already been 'spent' :p $800 on Kumdo armour. sick! Dunno what I'm gonna with the remaining $200 though. But I have plenty of shit that I wanna buy. $200 ain't enough. Arrgghh!

still no news from Accenture, but I'm gonna give it till Wednesday b4 I start getting depressed :p Speaking of depression... I've been thinking of dying lately. Well, just this morning actually. And no...I'm not feeling suicidal, nor am I depressed. Life is okay for me at the moment. It would be good if I had an Integra...even better if I got laid, but that's a different topic. Anyway, I'm kinda thinking what it would be like if a person died (namely, me...) I don't exactly buy in to that heaven & hell crap. I believe in a Creator but that's about it. Don't really care about spirituality now. I don't have enough "faith" for it do any good for me. Although perving on girls in church would be rather nice. [yah Thos...we know thats what you go to church for. don't coverline :p]

Enough digressing... I was thinking ermm..fuck. what the hell was I gonna write. Distracted by my music. Downloaded a couple of new mp3s. Uhh.. yeah. I'm just wondering how it would be like. Its not my thing to talk about afterlife... and all that kind of mumbo jumbo. I was originally thinking that it would kind of fun to be born again. With everything that I know now. I'm too lazy to write more la...but i'm pretty sure that you guys would have thought of something like that.

hmmm...reading thru what I just wrote, i realise that my writing is kinda random. aihs. guess my brain isn't as organised as I thought it was.

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