Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Blearrghh. Been having absolutely horrible mornings. Firstly its bloody difficult to get out of bed. I think my entire body can make that knuckle popping sound when I move. Is that normal? Secondly... I've been waking up with a congested nose the past few days. Its so damn annoying. And I can't even blow my nose to clear it...its just clogged up. It becomes ok after a few hours, but at the moment its bothering the heck out of me.

I'm sick of applying for work already. It just serves only to annoy me. Not only am I underqualified the positions I want...I'm also overqualified for them o_O what the fook man... Haihs. Like fatts put it. A noob > Kiangs. Sadness...

Isn't the 1st time actually. An application I did earlier on said the same thing. They only wanted recent graduates. Either that or they needed citizenship. I don't mind being rejected because I don't have enough technical knowledge... cuz thats partly true. But to be cut from a tech support position when I'm more knowledgeable than them is ridiculous. I know that for a fact because I used to deal with that department when I was working. They provided the Australian support for the accounting package I was implementing at the company. Bloody morons I tell you. They coudln't answer most of my questions satisfactorily. Alwez have to go back to the developers in South Africa.

I can still remember some 'solutions' they provided me. One was in regards to a button that didn't do what it was suppose to. I think it was meant to import a file or something, but it doesn't respond. The solution? Keep clicking on it till it works... o_O Another was an error message that keeps popping up when you start the program. Solution? Keep reinstalling the program until the message goes away... o_O

Very elegant...

p.s. to cut them some slack, the solutions do in fact work, which in all honesty is what businesses want. it doesn't have to be perfect or even efficient, just as long as it works. I really dislike this attitude though, although I've been prone to it on several occasions as well. Thats life I guess...

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