Friday, June 16, 2006

Weeeee. I'm going on a spending spree. Having a credit card of your own can really let someone throw caution to the wind. I just placed an order for a sharemarket charting software. Thats $695. Ouch... I bought some books off Amazon last night as well. About $100 in total. The books come in about $20 cheaper than buying locally. Only thing is that I'd have to wait for 2 weeks or so. They've already shipped 2 of the books though. I hope they come in good condition, but so far its been excellent. The books I've gotten off Amazon so far doesn't have any crease, dogears or dubious stains.

We rented our boarding gear yesterday. $139 for the lot. Board, boots, parka, pants and a carry bag. We haven't actually seen the boards cuz they haven't been prepped, but the rest of the stuff are all new. We'r picking them up next Thursday, so I'll get to take some happy shots of it :)

I'm at a loss this weekend. I don't know what to do. Especially after having spent so much money. I already mentioned I have sort of an interview on Monday right? Hopefully I'll luck out and he already has an open position for me. Or maybe I'll work for minimum wage and pour coffee and stuff just to get my foot in the door. Hmmm. I think I'm too uppity for my own good. That kind of work feels so degrading... Ok la... I did work as a waiter/bartender/glassie, but thats different from being an office gopher.

Ah well. I feel like a mushroom mozzarella melt today. Gonna go pick up a magazine, and lame at the local cafe for a bit.

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