Wednesday, June 21, 2006

exactly a year ago, a blazing inferno started in my bed and almost took my foot off :) Okla..slight exaggeration, but if you wake up to the smells of burning upholstery and with flames dancing a meter away from your face, I reckon I can classify it as a blazing inferno :p

I didn't do much today. I got lots of loot in the mail, none of which are birthday presents unfortunately :p I received the stock charting software I ordered, so I spent some time reading & setting it up. I also got a new sim card! I'm going for a prepaid service, iSim. Its purported pretty good. Its owned by Optus anway, so you can't really go wrong service-wise. And the greatest thing about it? Absolutely the best rates in Australia as far as I know. 39c per minute, per second billing. NO flagfall. Thats zero, nil, nein flagfall. And 19c sms as well. Theres obviously no fancy stuff like wap, mms (not sure about this), and other frills, but honestly... all that stuff is nothing more than gimmicks. I'm transferring my old number over, so just hope it doesn't stuff up or anything.

I also finally received the application form for another stockbroker that I wanted to use. Each trade is about $10 cheapr...but I am soooo not impressed with them. Being budget is one thing...being unprofessional is a different matter. I requested their forms about what? 2-3 weeks ago, and I only just got it. Not only are the disclosure statements and application forms an in-house hack job. Its very sloppy as well. I don't mind photocopied booklets, but if theres streaks and black marks strewn over every single page, it ain't something I would want to show a potential client. It doesn't exactly generate confidence in their services. Terrible. Its no wonder they only have about 1% market share as a discount broker.

I didn't receive a call in regards to the job. Never a good sign. Guess I have to ring him up tomorrow morning. On another note, I'm gonna be getting a SE w810i phone. A gift from my mum n sis. I should get it when Andy comes back in about 2 weeks. Can't wait... Finally! A new phone.

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