Monday, August 16, 2004

didn't mean to blog tonight, but i couldn't fall asleep. i was just lying in bed thinking about stuff. random thoughts mostly. but i was thinking about takoyaki during the past 15 mins :p love that! one of my favourite dish at a sushi bar, apart from the karaage & unagi *drooollll*

Can you say "yummy takoyaki"? Posted by Hello

*wipe wipe*

my hands are feeling kinda itchy too. and no, its not itching to do what some of you pervs are probably thinking :p its just...well, itchy. its an itch which you can keep scratching n scratching but it just doesn't get rid of the itch. i dunno what causes it. You know how sometimes you feel itchy when it gets a little hot? Its that kind of itch. I think it only happens in aussie though. cuz its dry. well, thats what jacq told me last time newayz.

hmmm. i think its called heat rash. not too sure. the skin is suppose to get bumpy & turn reddish. my hands do look kinda reddish now, but i think thats more due to the amount of rubbing & scratching that it suffered in the past 1/2 hour.

theres nothing much else for me to say. its been an uneventful day. work wasn't too busy and i didn't OT today. came back fairly early, made dinner, online etc etc. borringg.

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