Sunday, August 29, 2004 hungry now. making some indomie while i'm blogging. and i just brushed my teeth 2 minutes ago too. sheesh. i need to sleep soon too. i'm gonna get bloated. aihs. gonna hit the sack right after my noodles.

what happened today? hmmmm. woke up pretty early... did my grocery shopping. standard fare.. noodles. fruit. luncheon meat :) ermmm. oh! finally got one of the pics from when carol came over. post them up later when i get the rest.. do it at one go. too lazy to do it now as well... :p i really need to lose weight. aihs. i look kinda fat in most of the pictures i take nowdays. farkkk..

arrgh! i hate electric stoves...take bloody ages to boil water. at least mine is better than the one at jacq's place last time. you couldn't even boil water with that. sheesh.

anyway... b4 i digress further. what else did i do? went down to Kino...looked at some books. was meeting andy for coffee. but he was late. wanted to go gloria jeans, but it was packed. so went starbucks and got free coffee!! its good to know some1 who works at these places. hahahah. at least i paid for my cake :)

fatty turned up later...and then thos. lepak'ed around chit chat...went home. lazy to blog already. heheh. noodles are done :p

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