Thursday, August 12, 2004

ugh... chucking a sickie to stay home isn't fun. soooo bored today!! and i couldn't really go anywhere too, cuz was feeling like crap. aihs. i don't even remember what I did today. i slept till about ten-ish. then woke up..watched some anime. cooked lunch and then just surfed the net.

i went out and bought a timer for my fridge though. now it can automatically turn itself on and off. i figure this is the only way i can control the fridge's temp...provided it doesn't blow up or meltdown on me first. we'll see how it goes. i'm trying to get it to remain at a temp of about 10 degrees. is that the standard temp of a fridge? hmmm... trial & error I suppose.

what else did i do? i learnt how to tie my hakama!! its not as nice as how sensei tied it...but i guess it will do for now. should get one of my seniors to teach show me how. have to wait till saturday though. i can't turn up for practice today. i tried doing a couple of swings earlier. still bloody hurts. aihs.

what else did I do ?? oh yeah.. browsed friendster as well! can alwez turn to that when i'm really bored. hahahah. don't feel like playing any games..aihss... BORREEDDD!!

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