Sunday, August 01, 2004

Orgasmic cheese!! Posted by Hello

Alright!! Manage to upload some pictures up. Be prepared for a deluge of them!!! Well...not exactly, since I don't have digital cam... YET. But when I do! Muahhahahah

Why the cheese? Well, I wanted to put it up the last time I made the post about the barbey I went to last week. So yeah... go to your nearest Woolies (or Coles), buy this and some nachos. Go home, slap it all on a plate, top it up with some sauce (chilli, jap mayo, chocolate?, whatever), dip your nachos in it and OoOooo orgasm :)

didn't get up to much today. I slept my wholeee afternoon away. awesome. haven't done that in a while. i had 'siu yuk fan' for dinner as well, at the place I always go to. I really should try their other foods, but each time I go in...the 'siu yuk' just beckons to me. can't resist it. *yum yum*

oh! and I think i saw the girl that I sorta chatted up on the bus when I went to check out kendo last week. don't think I blogged about that, maybe later. But anyway, it was but a fleeting moment. She passed by with 2 of her friends as I left the restaurant. I shall not fail to attempt to get her number the next time I see her :) wonder if that will ever come to pass. oh well, no use fretting about it.

Carol is trying to send me her skiing trip photos now. didn't come thru the 1st time she tried to send it. hope it works. pretty big. 4 megs worth of photos...but that's probably like 4-5 photos only, i think. we'll see.

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