Sunday, August 01, 2004

OTed for 5 hours today, well... yesterday to be more accurate but I'm still awake :p I love double pay!!! heheh, if only my base pay was more :'(

nothing much to say about work, but I went straight down to city to watch Riddick with Thos & Nicholas. It wasn't too bad. I didn't like it at first... but the movie became better later on. I liked the ending. Quite 'cha dou'. Don't worry. I won't spoil it for you :p

After that...we went SEXPO!! Yeah!! Well... it's nothing great. Not like I haven't seen the stuff on the stands there. But you can take pictures with topless models *yum!!* and the best part of the night was the amateur strip show!! There was this hot chinese girl up on the stage. She got guts! AND the looks too! Tall, slim, and pretty big breasts. Oh yeahhh! Hahah. 5 girls on stage and they all had 3 minutes to strip down to their underwear. The chinese (called Julia, I think) stripped down to her panties as well. But she covered her breasts the whole time with her hands though. But I'd still say she got guts :) Quite turn on. Hahahah :p If only I had a camera. Aihss.

The guys stripping were worth a good laugh. All sorts of ppl on stage. 3 times more guys than girls though. Well...mainly cuz guys don't have much to lose if they strip down to their undies.
1 guy had his balls sticking out the whole time...and another guy was actually female lingerie by mistake... it was hilarious, and queasy at the same time.

Off to bed!

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