Sunday, August 08, 2004

had a nice, quiet, relatively productive day. sunday is usually household chores day, so thats what I did. did my laundry in the morning. lamed around at home playing computer games etc etc. and had a nice afternoon nap. sooo relaxing. hahah
the only problem with the nap was that i didn't want to get out of the bed once i woke up :p

ermm... cleaned up my kitchen and did my grocery shopping too! my fridge is actually stocked now! woopee! and I have a whole box of indomie now!! yayy!! that's food for 2 weeks ^_^ for $7.20 too! that's the best part :) oh! and mustn't forget my staple food:

Luncheon meat!!! Posted by Hello

the one on the left is the regular one, the right side is the PREMIUM version! i can't really tell the difference though, apart from the price :p I stick to the cheapass $0.99 per can ones :)

what else?? i had siu yuk fan for dinner too, again!! hahahah. u'd think that with all the groceries i bought i would cook dinner tonite :p I intended too actually, but got lazy. cuz didn't know what to cook. hahahha. so just went out and grab dinner.

that was about 15 mins ago. now i'm just online and chatting abit with Carol, who still won't let me see her blog yet. meanie nini!!

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